Thursday, September 25, 2008

1 grey's prediction, comin' up!

i just have to put this in writing, on the off chance my prediction actually comes true so i can say heyyyy check out the grey's genius!

remember the finale last year (and if you're anything like me, you re-watched it last week) when mcdreamy left meredith standing in the middle of the woods so he could go have a talk with rose? who leaves a woman, by herself, in the middle of the woods?? i expected a bear to come out and maul her. while i no longer think that's the case, it was definitely meant to give you that sinking feeling of....what! something, is about to go down.

this theory was compiled not only by me, but my grey's loving lovah-friend...and we mushed our ideas to come up with this super-plot. and, since i just heard that the last episode the actress that plays rose will appear in is tonight's, this sounds even more possible. so. mcdreamy somehow ends up in a car with rose while he's breaking it off with her. or, possibly after she reveals the secret of her mcdreamy fetus. there's some sort of freak ice storm going on, possibly some sort of emotion mixed in with the break up, and the two of them end up in a crash right outside the hospital. rose ends up on the ground somehow, and the preview clip of the icicle falling is of her. she ends up dead (sorry rose). mcdreamy is also injured in the crash...which explains the possibly-mcdreamy-man on the table preview, as well as meredith's hysterics...but everything ends up alright. problems with rose, solved. however, because mcdreamy knew she was pregnant pre-death, it gets his baby gears turning...and he wants to rush things with meredith. this in turn causes her to get all funky in the head again, which causes another season of cat & mouse between our beloved couple.

eh? eh? i've heard some other theories. things about mcdreamy imagining rose admitting to being pregnant and such. but the bottom line is...i hear from many sources that there will NOT be a mcdreamyrose love child.

happy viewing tonight, i can't waaaaait!


Case said...

pretty good prediction, cept ive never actually seen an episode ;) haha

Cassie said...

omg. tell me you were as "bleh" about that episode as i was. a joke?! a dream?! whoever cut that season trailer - deserves an emmy because they really pulled my legs!!

Stacy said...

I can't really comment on this, as I don't watch Grey's...and even if I did, I would have missed it last night!

Seriously though, Time Warner in Charlotte sucks, period. We were constantly having outages with them and they'd send techs out and they'd never actually fix anything. We switched to DSL and have been much happier. It's faster and we only have the occasional blip in our service - when that happens we're usually back up within a couple of minutes.

Be thankful you've never had to call Duke! Seriously, for living on the "rich" side of town (I'm only like, 5 minutes from Ballantyne and Piper Glen), we sure do have a lot of problems. You'd think they'd keep this side of town working better! :P